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Farewell (2009) Free Movie

Farewell (2009) Free Movie Online

Genre: Drama Romance Thriller

Director:Christian Carion

Stars: Guillaume Canet Emir Kusturica Alexandra Maria Lara

Vote: 6.9

Quality: HD

Farewell 2009 In 1985, Sergei Gregoriev, a Soviet colonel, wants to force his nation to reform, so he leaks secret information to the West He picks an unlikely contact, a Pierre Froment, French nebbish in the diplomatic corps Gregoriev keeps a lot of balls in the air a marriage, a teen son hes trying to bond with, a mistress whos a colleague at work his tradecraft is equally reckless Meanwhile, Froment keeps his spy work secret from his German wife, and Mitterrand uses Gregorievs information to make France indispensable to Reagan and his government When Gregoriev leaks a list of key Soviet moles and spies, Gorbachev is left without secret intelligence Will Gregoriev get what he wants